
15 Aug, 2014 - 15h44
André Lopes has donated R$100,00 to the campaign and won more than 20 Dádivas por isso.

12 Aug, 2014 - 17h48
Usuário JAIR BARBOSA from Sarzedo has donated R$50,00 to the campaign

12 Aug, 2014 - 15h35
Usuário anônimo has donated R$30,00 to the campaign

11 Aug, 2014 - 01h37
Ana Cláudia Justino has donated R$30,00 to the campaign and won more than 10 Dádivas por isso.

07 Aug, 2014 - 03h18
Usuário ANDRE LUIZ DAMASCENO from Belo horizonte has donated R$100,00 to the campaign